Are you ready to pursue pastoral ministry? What does your spouse think?

How do you know if you are ready to go into pastoral ministry?
While, I can't speak to this adequately in a short blog post, I do want to offer you an exercise to do with your spouse that I believe will be helpful.
The following is a simple self-assessment to help those thinking about going into pastoral ministry, along with their spouse, reflect on their readiness. These questions are directed primarily to those thinking about serving in a lead pastor position, but they apply to any pastoral role in a local church. Also, the questions are directed specifically to the potential pastor, but should be asked, answered, and discussed together as a couple.
The key to this exercise is humility and honesty. Spend some time prayerfully discussing the following together...
10 Questions to ask before pursuing a pastoral ministry position
1. How have we sensed God's calling to pastoral others affirm this?
2. Am I emotionally mature enough to take upon myself the rigors of serving as a pastor in a local church?
3. Am I biblically and theologically competent enough to lead this congregation?
4. Am I organizationally competent?
5. How will I respond to and love my critics?
6. Will I make a commitment for the long haul, through good and bad?
7. Will I be a continuous learner about pastoral leadership?
8. Am I committed to being a positive example and encourager for my family on this journey?
9. Do I have mentors who can coach and encourage me?
10. Do I have a sufficient support system of peer relationships and friends?