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12 Ways to Pray for a Church Replant

Writer's picture: Mark HallockMark Hallock

Church replants need prayer.

Church replanters and their families need prayer.

Lots and lots of prayer.

Let me share twelve specific ways you and your church can pray for a church replant, its pastor and his family. Let me encourage you to write these down somewhere. Put this list in your Bible or near your bed stand. Somewhere it will be seen regularly.

If you aren't aware of a specific replant you can be praying for, please go to this link where you will find a list of many replants throughout the country, all in need of your prayers. Click here:

I thank you in advance for seeking the Lord in prayer on behalf of one of these congregations and those that lead them. May the Spirit move in power for God's glory and the advancement of the Gospel!

#1: Pray the replant and its leaders will keep their eyes on God and not take a step apart from God’s leading.

#2: Pray for courage and boldness to go where the Lord leads.

#3: Pray for humility before the Lord and people, prioritizing the raising up of other leaders.

#4: Pray the replant and its leaders will not rely on their own strength, but trust in the Lord’s strength.

#5: Pray for a deep heart of love for those leading this new replant.

#6: Pray for the health of marriages and families in the congregation.

#7: Pray the replant and its leaders will walk worthy of the calling God has placed on their lives.

#8: Pray for the replanter to preach the Word and the Gospel boldly.

#9: Pray for God to destroy idols in the hearts of the leaders and in the hearts of those in the congregation.

#10: Pray for God-honoring unity in the congregation.

#11: Pray the replant and its leaders will do whatever it takes to reach the lost.

#12: Pray for the making of disciples who make disciples in and through the replant.

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