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  • Writer's pictureMark Hallock

Why I Wrote Great Commission Revitalization

I am excited to share what I hope will be a challenging and encouraging little book focused on helping plateaued and declining congregations and their leaders catch fresh vision and fresh passion for reaching those in their communities who are far from Christ with the Gospel. It is simply called, Great Commission Revitalization.

In a day in which churches are closing faster than we can replace them, this book seeks to bring insight on how to revive dying and desolate churches with a renewed faith and sense of mission. The greatest need to turn these trends around are pastors, church leaders, and church members who are desperate. Desperate and hungry for a move of God. Desperate and surrendered to Christ’s call to carry out the Great Commission in our communities. Desperate and willing to do whatever it takes to reach the lost with the Gospel and make disciples for the glory of God.

Great Commission Revitalization isn’t anything new. In fact, it originated with Jesus 2,000 years ago. How grateful we should be that we don't have to guess as to how God wants to use us in His plan to revitalize churches. He has made it crystal clear in His Word, specifically in Matthew 28:18-20.

Now, if you have spent any time at all in the church, you are probably at least somewhat familiar with this passage of Scripture commonly referred to as the Great Commission. However, as with many familiar passages in the Bible, I'm afraid most of us don't know this passage as well as we might think we do. There is much truth in these three short verses that directly applies to church revitalization. My hope is that through this little book, working through this passage word by word and verse by verse, God might impress a renewed commitment to the Great Commission into the hearts of churches that desperately need it.

In writing Great Commission Revitalization, my desire has been that every reader, including myself, would pray with humility:

Lord, give me fresh eyes to see this familiar text. Help me see these verses as if for the first time. Help me see how this great passage applies directly to the revitalization of struggling churches all over the world. Give me the courage and power to put the truth of these words from Jesus into action, both in my life and in my church. Not my will, but Yours be done, oh Lord. Amen

Get your copy of Great Commission Revitalization HERE.

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