So, what is "The Priorities of a Shepherd Pastor" all about?

So, what is The Priorities of a Shepherd Pastor all about?
Simply put, it is a book about being a pastor.
It’s a book about being a faithful under-shepherd of the Good Shepherd Himself, Jesus Christ.
It’s a book about loving and leading God’s people with humility, joy, courage, tenderness and truth.
It’s a book about making biblical preaching and persistent praying the foundation of your ministry, not gimmicks or the latest church growth fad.
It’s a book about passionately pursuing lost and wandering sheep, while at the same time caring deeply for the most fragile and vulnerable in our congregations.
It’s a book about being both ruthlessly biblical and at the same time relentlessly strategic in carrying out all that comes with being an overseer of a local congregation.
This is a book about the things the Bible prescribes, and every church truly needs, in their pastor. In particular, this book focuses on those essential things every congregation in need of revitalization needs in their pastor.
Churches don’t need a CEO.
They don’t need an entertainer.
They don’t need a life-coach.
They need a shepherd.
This book was written to help you become the shepherd pastor the Lord has called you to be, for His glory, your joy, and the good of His people. My hope is that you will be both encouraged and equipped as you make your way through these pages.
Encouraged in your calling, encouraged in your gifting, and most importantly encouraged in the kindness of the Lord and His love for you!
Equipped in your leadership, equipped in your caring, equipped in your shepherding of the sheep Jesus died for and has placed under your oversight.
What a humbling and glorious calling this is: To serve the Lord and the Church as a shepherd pastor!
That is what this book is all about.
You can grab your copy of The Priorities of a Shepherd Pastor HERE.